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Docker & Kubernetes Basics — Hands On — Step By Step

Sudheer Kumar
6 min readJun 4, 2021

Docker and Kubernetes are very important strategy towards a cloud native solution and here I am trying to give a brief summary of these technologies. The code corresponding to these can be found at:


- Download and Install Docker for Windows
- How to enable WSL2 integration:
- Verify with: >docker -v

Docker Commands Summary

- docker build  Build a Docker image
- docker run Run a Docker image as a container
- docker commit Commit a Docker container as an image
- docker tag Tag a Docker image
- docker ps => get the runing instances
- docker images => get the docker images
- docker stop <container id or name> => stop the instance
- docker image rm [image id] => remove the docker image from repo
- docker container prune => Remove all stopped container instnaces (not images)
- docker volume ls => lists all the volumes used by docker
- docker volume prune => Remove unused volumes

Create a Docker Image for a NodeJS APP

- Create a Dockefile (under 1.DockerForNodeJSApp)
- The following explains the content of the docker file.
1 Defines the base image
2 Declares the maintainer
3 Clones the todoapp code
4 Moves to the new cloned directory
5 Runs the node package manager’s install command (> /dev/null means redirect the /p the special file to ignore it)
6 Specifies that containers from the built image should listen on this port. External clients should listen to this port: http://localhost:8000 to access this app.
7 Specifies which command will be run on startup of the container, basically command to run the app.

Docker Commands in Action

- Build the image (. means - build the docker file in the current folder)
>docker build .
- See the local images
>docker images
<none> <none> 6042d094dad2 6 minutes ago 957MB
- Tag the image that now we created now
>docker tag 6042d094dad2 todoapp
todoapp latest 6042d094dad2 8 minutes ago 957MB
- Run the docker image
>docker run -i -t -p 8000:8000 --name test1 todoapp
name => name of the instnace
-p => port mapping
- Get the running instances of docker
>docker ps -aq
a81b0b5acc6e todoapp "docker-entrypoint.s…" 24 minutes ago Up 23 minutes>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp test1
- Run multiple instances of an image, it runs on a new external port : 8001
>docker run -i -t -p 8001:8000 --name test1 todoapp1
NOTE: You can run multipe instances of todoapp. The runtime doesn't copy the whole layers for each instance, but shares it across. That is why Docker can sacle in a much better way.

Docker Architecture

- Check the docker architecture components below
- docker public registry
- docker daemon -> who receives request, talks to client in REST requests, downloads the images from internet , if required. A daemon is a process that runs in the background rather than under the direct control of the user.The docker command is a client, and the Docker daemon acts as the server doing the processing on your Docker containers and images. By default the daemon is not possible to be accessed from xternal world, but it is possible to do that.
- docker client -> docker instance
- docker registry (local) -> stored the images

Run Docker Container as a Demon

- Similar to running the container as a service
> docker run -d -i -p 8000:8000 --name todoDaemon todoapp
-d : run as a daemon, -i : interactive mode, -p : port mapping
- But what is the daemon stops. We have restart flags to contol the behavior.
> docker run -d --restart=always -p 8000:8000 --name todoDaemon todoapp
no ->Don’t restart when the container exits
always -?Always restart when the container exits
unless-stopped ->Always restart, but remember explicitly stopping
on-failure[:max-retry] ->Restart only on failure

Docker Commit

- Commit the current resources as an image 
>docker commit todobug1

Docker tagging

- You’ve now saved the state of your container by committing, and you have a random string as the ID of your image.
>docker tag 6042d094dad2 todoapp

Docker push

- To push to Docker Hub
docker pull debian:wheezy
docker tag debian:wheezy adev/debian:mywheezy1
docker push adev/debian:mywheezy1

Docker Best Practices:

To illustrate see the DockerFile in the fodler : 2.RunFlskApplicatiom
>docker build -t flask
-t => Tag the image
>docker run -d -P flask
-d : daemon, -P: Use the port mentioned in the docker file, flask : image name
- The following are some of the improvements:
- The fact that it uses the ubuntu:14.04 official image is good. However, you then proceeded to install a few packages using multiple RUN commands. This is bad practice, as it will add unnecessary layers to the image. Instead combine the run commands:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
python \
RUN pip install flask
- You also used the ADD command to copy a simple file. Instead in this example, you should use the COPY command (ADD allows more-complex file copy scenarios).
COPY /tmp/
- Run a single process per container. Although you can run multiple processes per container. building images that will run only one process or at least one functional service per container will help you build decoupled applications that can scale.
- Use docker volumes to manage the data related to the containers to be persisted outside of it. Do not assume that your containers will live on; they are ephemeral and will be stopped and restarted.
- Use a .dockerignore file. When building images, Docker by default will copy the content of the working directory where the Dockerfile exists (i.e., the build context) inside the image.
- Finally, minimize the number of layers of your images and take advantage of the image cache


- Is a container Orchestration system
- Kubernetes can monitor the health of a container and restart it when it fails. If a node fails, the Kubernetes management system can automatically reschedule work onto healthy nodes.
- By scheduling a diverse set of workloads on a common set of machines, users can drive dramatically higher utilization compared to static manual placement.
- With large clusters, keeping track of all the containers that are running can be difficult. Kubernetes provides a flexible labeling system that allows both users and other systems to think in sets of containers.
- Kubernetes is built to enable easy horizontal scaling. Scaling and load balancing are intrinsic concepts.

Kube Concepts:

- Cluster scheduling : The process of placing a container on a specific node to optimize the reliability and utilization of the cluster.
- Pods : A group of containers that must be placed on a single node and work together as a team. Allowing a set of containers to work closely together on a single node is a powerful way to make applications even more manageable.
- Labels : Data attached to pods in order to organize a group for monitoring and management.
- Replication controllers - Agents that work to make sure that a horizontal scaling group or pod is reliably maintained.
- Network services : A way to communicate between not just pods, but groups of pods by using dynamically configured naming and network proxies.
- Kubernets Masnter - Uses an API server to communicate. The client will be running kubectl. There us a storage for the master called : Master Storage
- Scheduler : This is responsible to make sure the pods are running properly. It also takes are of replication to take care of Scaling.
- Node : Pods are launched to the nodes. Each node will have a controller called : Kubelet and a Proxy that will take care of networking for the Pod.

Running a container using Kube

- Refer the folder 3.RunningContaineronKube
- Create a file : kube.yaml
- Run it from client:
> kubectl create -f kube.yaml
Once the image is downloaded, the container will start running

Using Labels with Pods

- Refer the folder 3.RunningContaineronKube
- Create the file :label-demo.yanl
- Now query suign the label:
> kubectl get pods --selector="foo=bar"

Using Pod Templates & Replication

- Refer the folder 3.RunningContaineronKube
- Create the file :label-demo.yanl
>kubectl create -f pod-template.yml
Get Replication controller:
>kubectl get rc
Resize the pod:
> kubectl resize --replicas=4 rc rcgame

Docker and Cloud

Docker is definitely the integral part of the cloud-native design and here we got the fundamentals of docker and Kubernetes so that we can learn about the cloud integration using these technologies.



Sudheer Kumar
Sudheer Kumar

Written by Sudheer Kumar

Experienced Cloud Architect, Infrastrcuture Automation, Technical Mentor

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